Monday, August 20, 2012

The Lucky One

 Finding something like that in a war, is like finding an angel in Hell.

Now, I've found Zac Efron films somewhat enjoyable. Not... the teenager/musical drama types, but the meaniful-I-need-to-see-my-life-in-a-different-light kind of film.

His portrayal of an ex-marine I thought was very well done. And the emptiness and loss people feel from returning to war, that was there too, and the point was for him to fill that pain.This veteran returns home, feeling lucky, feeling blessed by a woman who's photo he found one morning in the field. After more luck, he finds her, and without a second thought, he helps her, and is near her in any way that he can.

I have to say the ending was satisfactory, and while I had a few ideas on what could happen, I was pleased to find something happy. That's all you can ask for with movies like this, a good feeling at the end. Women don't watch a love story just for the hot men, sex scenes, or the unbelievable trails they over come - but for who these people turn out to be in the end. Cause we're all going to grown old whether we like it or not, and the point is choosing that person you can grow old with. And seeing the good in people.

Year: 2012
Rating: PG-13
Actors: Zac Efron, Blythe Danner, Taylor Schilling
My R: Watch on a rainy day when you want to feel good about something.

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