Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Blueberry Nights

How do you say goodbye to someone you can't imagine living without?

The broken heart of a woman. Honestly, it can drive us to do something we would never have thought of doing. And for Elizabeth, that is exactly what she does. After calming her thoughts with small chats with a man from a diner and a large helping of blueberry pie - she leaves New York, ready to head anywhere.

After ending up in Memphis, she learns about heartbreak greater than her own. There she must've learned that there can be someone you love more than she loved the man who broke her heart. But she still hasn't found who she wants to be, and moves on to Nevada. Meeting a gambling girl who wants to risk everything. After the two become friends, Elizabeth gets to watch as Leslie ignores her father. Elizabeth learns how someone can love their daughter, and how Leslie can love her father from afar - but again that some heartbreak is greater than others.

Finally, returning to New York, Jeremy (Law) is still in his small cafe, ready to serve her a plate of blueberry pie. Here, we find it's taken her a year to get to this point, the point where she can love someone else.

I found this story moving because, not only is it hard to repair a broken heart, but it doesn't exactly come with a manual. And honestly, finding yourself is the hardest thing someone ever has to do, and when you lose yourself, it gets harder and harder to find yourself all over again. But it is possible, and with a little exploration, fixing your heart is possible.

Year: 2007
Rating: PG-13
Actors: Norah Jones, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Rachel Weisz
My R: I easily recommend this to any girl who's lost her way, especially if it's because of a boy.

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