Saturday, November 24, 2012

John Carter

Lost in Our World. Found in Another. 

Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote the original story for John Carter of Mars. There were several sequels and additions, comics, movie adaptations and stories. But Disney did a great job of portraying the story in all it's originality, and finesse.With decent acting, and storyline, I found this movie enjoyable to watch.

Two battling countries on the planet Mars, and the only one to stop them is a man from Earth. The original concept and story is vastly interesting. Burroughs did not fall short of imagination, and Disney portrayed that through red skin and tall barbarians.

John Carter had quite the reputation just like a Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars film would, as it held a dedicated audience, granted a smaller audience, but dedicated nonetheless. And when I inquired to old fan, as to if they like the new film, they said it was great, and they couldn't have been happier.

Year: 2012
Rating: PG-13
Actors: Taylor Kitsch, & William Defoe as Tars Tarkas

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