Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dredd (2012)

Judge, Jury, and Executioner.

Ah, reckless dystopian societies filled with drugs and violence. Surely the law system has to be a little more strict in order to enact peace. Judge Dredd, again one of the most well known judges of the Justice Department. But when fitted with a rookie, and sent to one of the most run-down blocks in Mega City One.

Now it seemed that everyone feared a sequel. This is not the case I found. Different story line, different take - just simply the same character. Granted Dredd is an original graphic novel, meaning there is more than one story pertaining to Judge Dredd. And perhaps they even hint that the original film (Stallone) still pertained to the current character today.

And while I thought Olivia Thirlby would intensely bother the heated action aspect of the film, she did quite well. Female heroines are so hard to find, either their femininity ruins the character, or they can't act. But I was happy to see that Olivia did a good job, she played a great sidekick, and aspect to Dredd.

It was also exciting to see Lena Headey playing a ruthless ugly character. Ma-ma's character was similar to Lena's character in Game of Thrones, Cersei. Both ruthless leaders of a large group of people, the only difference was one get the aspect of beauty, while the Ma-ma was robbed of that.

The gore/action level was enjoyable due to the Judge's interesting weaponry. And the violent death, were tasteful done. (If that can be said.) The other real enjoyment of the film was the use of 'Slo-Mo.' A drug made to slow down the brain, significantly. And the director (Pete Travis) Used slo-mo cameras to his advantage, getting a number of great shots - different from any film out there right now. 

Year: 2012
Rating: R
Actors: Karl Urban, Lena Headey, & Olivia Thirlby
Sidenote: Karl Urban's voice has been used before to mimic that of the great Clint Eastwood. And Dredd's character is partially based on Clint Eastwood's Rawhide. Dredd also lives in a block by the name of Rowdy Yates. 

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